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Sample Memorial Service Invitations

Are you planning on doing a year end memorial service? As we talk with more and more funeral directors, we know that many of you would like to do this for your families and make it part of your aftercare program. One of the big hold ups is, "how do we put one together?". On this page and on the programs page, we have gathered some resources for you. What you are seeing are some samples of invitations that a couple of our Funeral Home clients have been gracious enough to share with us.

These invitations and programs are designed for a year end memorial service. It is mentioned that a memorial keepsake or remembrance gift will be handed out to those who attend. This will increase the number of people who attend, thus making it worth your while to put on a service. It would not be hard to modify some of this content to invite the families to a month end memorial service if that is what you are thinking of doing.

View Memorial Service Invitation Letterhead

Sample 1 Sample 2
Sample 3 Sample 4